
Friday 7 June 2024

Relationship between the French forces and Tippoo Sultan post the Cuddalore War off the Coromandel coast (which was lost to the British forces in 1756) and the French Cannons and other armaments given to Tippoo Sultan, delivered over the Cauvery to Srirangapatnam

I have here, tried to elucidate the various events that are purported to have taken place after the defeat of the French by the British during the sea battles of 1756, off the Coromandel coast, and his this significantly helped Tippoo Sultan with his war with the British. 

Referencing the map of South India, where a mark has been made by an ancestor of Madam Champlain, signifying the movement of the cannons and other artillery through the mouth of Cauvery! 

This study is based on several references mentioned within the study. 

Have made this study based on 3 very significant questions!


A) After the loss of the French, in the war off the Coromandel coast, how and what made the French support Tippoo Sultan in his fight against the British?

Background: Loss of the French on the Coromandel Coast

Following the defeat of the French during the Anglo-French Wars in India, notably the battles off the Coromandel Coast in the mid-18th century, the French influence in India significantly diminished. The Treaty of Paris (1763) formally ended the Seven Years' War, marking a substantial decline in French territorial and political control in India. Despite this, the French retained certain trading posts and sought to maintain their influence indirectly.

French Support for Tipu Sultan

Motivations for French Support

1. Strategic Alliances Against the British:

   - The French viewed Tipu Sultan, the ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore, as a critical ally in their ongoing geopolitical struggle against the British East India Company. Supporting Tipu Sultan was a means to weaken British power in India.

2. Restoration of Influence:

   - The French aimed to restore and extend their influence in the Indian subcontinent by forming alliances with powerful regional rulers. Tipu Sultan's strong opposition to the British made him a natural ally.

3. Shared Interests:

   - Both the French and Tipu Sultan shared a common interest in curbing British expansion. This mutual goal facilitated their cooperation.

Nature of French Support

1. Military Assistance:

   - The French provided Tipu Sultan with military advisors, engineers, and trainers to help modernize his army. French officers played a significant role in organizing Tipu's military forces along European lines.
   - The French supplied artillery, small arms, and other military equipment to Tipu Sultan. These supplies were crucial in enhancing the firepower and effectiveness of Mysore's army.

2. Technical Expertise:

   - French engineers assisted in the construction of fortifications and the improvement of military infrastructure within Mysore. This included the building of fortified positions and the enhancement of Tipu Sultan's defensive capabilities.

3. Diplomatic Support:

   - The French extended diplomatic support to Tipu Sultan, aiming to legitimize his resistance against the British. They engaged in negotiations and formed treaties to formalize their alliance.

4. Economic Aid:

   - The French supported Mysore economically by facilitating trade and providing financial assistance, which helped sustain Tipu Sultan's military campaigns against the British.

Key Events and Outcomes

1. Second Anglo-Mysore War (1780-1784):

   - The French alliance with Tipu Sultan was solidified during this conflict. French support helped Tipu achieve several victories against the British. The war ended with the Treaty of Mangalore (1784), which restored the pre-war status quo but did not significantly diminish British ambitions.

2. Third Anglo-Mysore War (1789-1792):

   - French involvement continued during this war, although it was limited due to France's preoccupation with the French Revolution. Tipu Sultan suffered significant defeats, leading to the Treaty of Seringapatam (1792), which resulted in substantial territorial losses for Mysore.

3. Fourth Anglo-Mysore War (1799):

   - Despite French support, Tipu Sultan was ultimately defeated and killed during the siege of Seringapatam. This marked the end of significant French influence in southern India and the complete annexation of Mysore by the British.


The French support for Tipu Sultan was driven by a strategic desire to counter British dominance in India and restore French influence. This support took various forms, including military, technical, diplomatic, and economic assistance. However, despite these efforts, Tipu Sultan's resistance was ultimately unsuccessful, leading to the consolidation of British power in southern India.


1. Keay, John. _India: A History_. Grove Press, 2000.
2. Moon, Penderel. _The British Conquest and Dominion of India_. Duckworth, 1989.
3. Dalrymple, William. _The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire_. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019.

B. The French, after the Anglo French War off the Coromandel coast, are believed to have helped Tippoo Sultan with French cannons and other artillery, many of which were shipped upstream the Cauvery from the mouth of the Cauvery to reach Seringpatam. Which of the French generals were instrumental in this cooperation with Tippoo Sultan?

French Ships and Transport of Cannons

1. French Privateers and Merchant Ships:

   - After the defeat of the French off the Coromandel coast, various French privateers and merchant ships were repurposed for supplying military aid to Tipu Sultan. These ships were loaded with cannons and other military equipment in French-controlled ports like Pondicherry.

2. River Transport:
   - Once the cannons and supplies reached the mouth of the Cauvery River, they were typically transferred to smaller, flat-bottomed riverboats capable of navigating the shallower, narrower waters upstream to Seringapatam. The exact names of these riverboats are not often recorded, as they were likely local vessels.

Several French officers and generals were instrumental in aiding Tipu Sultan with military support, including the shipment of artillery and cannons, many of which were transported via the Cauvery River to Seringapatam. Here are some key French figures who played significant roles in this cooperation:

Key French Generals and Officers

1. François Ripaud:

   - Role: A French privateer who offered his services to Tipu Sultan.

   - Contribution: Ripaud played a crucial role in establishing contacts between Tipu Sultan and the French Revolutionary government. He helped facilitate the shipment of arms and the arrival of French military experts in Mysore.

2. Colonel Michel Raymond:

   - Role: A senior French officer who initially served under the Nizam of Hyderabad before becoming an advisor to Tipu Sultan.

   - Contribution: Raymond was instrumental in organizing and training Mysore's army along European lines, although his primary allegiance was to the Nizam. His influence and methods were felt indirectly in the Mysorean army.

3. General Charles-Joseph Pigeon:

   - Role: A French officer who was directly involved in aiding Tipu Sultan.

   - Contribution: Pigeon supervised the construction and deployment of artillery and fortifications in Mysore, providing technical expertise and modern military tactics.

4. Gilbert Elliot, Lord Minto:

   - Role: Although not a French general, as the British Governor-General, he was involved in British responses to French activities in India.

   - Contribution: His reports and actions reflect the strategic importance of the French assistance to Mysore and the challenges it posed to British interests.

Transport of Artillery and Cannons

The logistical feat of transporting French cannons and artillery to Seringapatam involved navigating the Cauvery River. This required coordination and expertise, likely facilitated by the French officers' experience in engineering and military logistics. The French expertise in artillery was crucial in enhancing the firepower of Tipu Sultan's forces.

Significance of French Assistance

The French military assistance to Tipu Sultan was part of a broader strategy to undermine British power in India. This alliance, although ultimately unsuccessful in the long term, provided Tipu Sultan with the necessary resources and expertise to challenge British dominance in the region.


The cooperation between the French and Tipu Sultan involved several key French military figures who provided critical support in terms of artillery, military training, and strategic planning. This collaboration highlights the complex geopolitical dynamics of the period and the significant efforts made by the French to maintain their influence in India despite their territorial losses.


- Dalrymple, William. _The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire_. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019.
- Keay, John. _India: A History_. Grove Press, 2000.
- Fortescue, John. _A History of the British Army_. Macmillan, 1899.
- Sen, S. N. _History of the Marathas_. Cosmo Publications, 1976.

These sources provide detailed accounts of the French involvement in Mysore and the broader context of the Anglo-French rivalry in India.

C. The brass cannons supplied to Tippoo Sultan by the French post their defeat by the English off the Coromandel coast, were of what type or class and how significant was this aid in fostering relationships between the French and Tippoo Sultan?

The brass cannons supplied to Tipu Sultan by the French after their defeat by the English off the Coromandel coast were typically of the **18-pounder** and **24-pounder** types. 

These artillery pieces were crucial in enhancing the military capabilities of Tipu Sultan's forces. 

The 18-pounder and 24-pounder cannons, commonly used in European warfare, were known for their range, accuracy, and destructive power.

Types and Classes of Cannons

1. 18-pounder Cannons:

   - Description: These cannons fired 18-pound (8.16 kg) solid shot projectiles. They were widely used in the 18th century for their balance of range and firepower.

   - Usage: They were effective against infantry, fortifications, and could be used in both field battles and sieges.

2. 24-pounder Cannons:

   - Description: These larger cannons fired 24-pound (10.89 kg) solid shot projectiles. They had greater destructive capability and range compared to 18-pounders.

   - Usage: Primarily used in sieges and defending fortifications due to their heavier firepower.

Significance of French Artillery Support

The provision of these cannons had several significant impacts:

1. Military Enhancement:

   - Increased Firepower: The introduction of advanced European artillery significantly boosted Tipu Sultan's military capabilities, allowing him to mount stronger defenses and more effective offensives against the British.

   - Modernization of Forces: The French also provided training and technical support, which helped modernize Mysore's military along European lines, improving overall efficiency and effectiveness.

2. Diplomatic Relations:

   - Strengthened Alliance:
 The military support fostered a stronger alliance between Mysore and France. This relationship was crucial for both parties, as Tipu Sultan needed European expertise and firepower to counter British advances, while the French sought to undermine British dominance in the region.

   - Political Leverage: 
The alliance with a European power gave Tipu Sultan additional political leverage in negotiations and conflicts with the British.

3. Symbolic Significance:

   - Symbol of Resistance: The French cannons became symbols of resistance against British imperialism. They represented the unity of diverse forces against a common enemy.

   - Boosted Morale: The support from a major European power likely boosted the morale of Mysorean troops and citizens, reinforcing their resolve to resist British conquest.

Historical Context

The support provided by the French to Tipu Sultan came at a time when the French were eager to maintain a foothold in India despite their territorial losses. The defeat of the French off the Coromandel coast had significantly reduced their direct control, but they continued to exert influence through alliances and support for regional powers opposed to the British.


1. Dalrymple, William. _The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire_. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019.
2. Keay, John. _India: A History_. Grove Press, 2000.
3. Sen, S. N. _History of the Marathas_. Cosmo Publications, 1976.
4. Fortescue, John. _A History of the British Army_. Macmillan, 1899.

These sources provide a comprehensive overview of the geopolitical and military dynamics during the period, highlighting the significance of French military aid to Tipu Sultan.


The transport of French cannons and military aid to Tipu Sultan via the Cauvery River, while not extensively detailed in terms of specific ship names, was a critical aspect of the Franco-Mysorean alliance. The continued presence of French officers and engineers in Seringapatam underscored the importance of this support in Tipu Sultan's resistance against the British. This strategic cooperation reflected the broader geopolitical contest between European powers and local Indian rulers during the late 18th century.

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